SQL to create data from a table

I needed to create a large amount of test data (in table dean_table) from an existing table (prod_table). The tables were clones of each other and had unique index on TIME_STAMP and PHYSICAL_ID. The prod_table had 15k rows of data but I needed a few million for my test case. The first time I ran

into dean_table
select *
from owner.prod_table

I copied over the 15k rows. However subsequent executions would have failed with duplicate keys.

I created a SQL file with the below SQL and copied and pasted the SQL about a 100 times:

into dean_table
,PHYSICAL_ID * (select dbms_random.value(1,1000) num from dual)
from owner.prod_table

By executing this .SQL file many times I was able to rapidly create about 5 million rows of data in dean_table.

Author: Dean Capps

Database consultant at Amazon Web Services.