Examples of Redshift’s Unload, Copy, and Super Data Type

Recently, my focus has been on using Amazon Redshift for a data warehousing solution, and I wanted to share some insights gained through working with unload, copy, and super data types. Unloading data allows for efficient extraction from Redshift to various storage options, facilitating downstream analytics and archival processes. Similarly, the COPY command serves as a linchpin for ingesting data into Redshift, enabling seamless integration from diverse sources. Super data types are a flexible option for accommodating complex data structures without the need for continuous schema changes.

Unload and rename a subset of columns
If you need to unload a subset of columns from a source table for load into a target table with different column names, this can be accomplished as follows:

unload (' select   old_col_01     as new_col_01
                  ,old_col_23     as new_col_02
                  ,old_col_42     as new_col_03
           from    my_schema.my_table_name
          where    old_col_24     is not null
to 's3://my-s3-bucket/table_01_data_'
iam_role  'arn:aws:iam::93073150:role/my-redshift-role'

The column name old_col_01 from the source table is being renamed to new_col_01 for the target table.

The target S3 bucket should not contain any files with the prefix in the unload command. A quick way to clean up the files without the need to use the AWS Console, filter and select the files and type “permanently delete” is to use AWS Cloudshell and the command:

aws s3 rm s3://my-s3-bucket/ --recursive --exclude "*" --include "table_01_data_*"

Please make sure that you have populated the exclude and include options correctly. There is no warning or confirmation. All the files matching the exclude and include are deleted with no recovery.

Unload a subset of rows from a table
The Redshift unload command does not allow the use of a limit clause directly in the select. The work around is to use it in a sub select as shown below:

unload (' select * 
          from   my_schema.my_table_name
          where  col_01 in 
                   select col_01 
                   from   my_schema.my_table_name 
                   limit 400
to 's3://my-s3-bucket/table_01_data_'
iam_role  'arn:aws:iam::93073150:role/my-redshift-role'

The sub select refers to the same table and applies the limit clause.

Copy a certain column(s) from a file that contains other columns
If you have a file in S3 the contains an unload from a table with a number of columns and you only want to populate 1 or more columns in a different table, you can do it with the below command:

copy       my_schema.my_table_name
           (col_01, col_02)
from      's3://my-s3-bucket/table_01_data_'
iam_role  'arn:aws:iam::93073150:role/my-redshift-role'
region    'us-east-1'
FORMAT     JSON 'auto ignorecase'

Columns named col_01 and col_02 are copied into table name my_schema.my_table name while other columns in the S3 file are ignored.

Copying data and Redshift super data type
If you have a file containing JSON data and you need to load it into a Redshift table containing a super data type, you can use the following command:

copy       my_schema.my_table_name
from      's3://my-s3-bucket/ table_01_data_'
iam_role  'arn:aws:iam::93073150:role/my-redshift-role'
region    'us-east-1'
FORMAT     JSON 'noshred'

All of the data in the S3 file will be loaded into the super data type column in JSON format.

The data in the super data type column containing JSON data can be queried as follows. Assume that the table name is my_schema.my_super_data_table containing a super data type column named my_json_data. This JSON data contains elements named create_time, account_id etc. You can refer to the individual elements as follows:

select   my_json_data."create_time"::timestamp::date as create_date
        ,my_json_data."account_id" as account_id
        ,my_json_data."cust_name"  as cust_name
from     my_schema.my_super_data_table
where    my_json_data."zip_code" = 12345

Debugging PostgreSQL Stored Procedures in Amazon RDS: A Workaround

Debugging stored procedures in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL might pose a challenge if you are accustomed to using a GUI tool. The absence of support for the pldbgapi extension in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL complicates this process. In this blog post, I suggest a workaround based on deploying an additional PostgreSQL on an Amazon Windows EC2 instance as a debugging platform.

Assuming that you used AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) with the Oracle extension pack, the code converted from Oracle to PostgreSQL will contain several calls to objects in schemas named aws_operators, aws_oracle_context, aws_oracle_data, and aws_oracle_ext. These modules emulate functions present in Oracle that are required for the code to execute in PostgreSQL. However, after the conversion by AWS SCT, you may still need to debug a stored procedure to resolve an issue.

The first step is to get the DDL for the objects created as part of the extension pack. The process is as follows:

– Start the AWS SCT tool,
– connect to the target database,
– right click on the target schema in the right-hand box,
– click on the “Apply Extension Pack for” Oracle in this case






In the “Apply extension pack for Oracle” dialogue box, progress to “Step 9: Function emulation” and click on the “Save scripts to” button on the bottom right.

Provide the name of a folder (preferably a new empty folder) as the target for the SQL files. The DDL files will be created as shown below

As of January 2024, this process will create 1506 files. This is subject to change as AWS releases newer versions of SCT.

The next step is to deploy an Amazon EC2 Windows instance. After the instance has been created, connect to the instance and download the PostgreSQL software from EnterpriseDB (EDB). I chose the EDB distribution as it includes several extensions preinstalled including pldbgapi.

The PostgreSQLTutorial website provides the steps to be followed to install PostgreSQL. After PostgreSQL has been installed, create a new database for this test. In this new database, create the pldbgapi extension with the SQL command


Confirm that the extension has been created. I am using PGAdmin to connect to my Amazon RDS PostgreSQL instance







After the extension has been created, copy the DDL files created from SCT to a location on the Windows server

(There are 1,509 files shown above as I created three extra files. Please ignore them.)

After some testing, I identified that the best way to deploy them was via Windows batch file with commands as shown below

@echo off
set PGPASSWORD=password-goes-here
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin\psql.exe" -h localhost -U postgres -d dctestdb -f "C:/dean/ssct-oracle-extension-pack-ddl/0001-aws_lambda.sql" -L "C:/dean/ssct-oracle-extension-pack-ddl/sct-ddl.log"
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin\psql.exe" -h localhost -U postgres -d dctestdb -f "C:/dean/ssct-oracle-extension-pack-ddl/0002-dblink_transaction.sql" -L "C:/dean/ssct-oracle-extension-pack-ddl/sct-ddl.log"
All other files here

The output of the DDL operations will be in the log file specified in the above batch file












After the DDL files have been executed, the database has the aws_operators, aws_oracle_context, aws_oracle_data, and aws_oracle_ext schemas defined










At this point, you can extract the DDL for a stored procedure (and related objects) from Amazon RDS and create it in the Windows EC2 PostgreSQL database and you will be able to debug the stored procedure via the GUI.

Completed CompTIA CertMaster CE for my Security+ certification

Maintaining IT certifications can be a time-consuming commitment, often involving retesting and juggling busy schedules. This time I decided to try CompTIA’s CertMaster Continuing Education (CE) for Security+ to extend my certification.

This self-paced e-learning program proved to be an efficient and engaging avenue to refresh and expand my existing knowledge base. Instead of cramming for a one-off test, I had the flexibility to delve deeper into key security concepts, revisiting essential skills and acquiring new ones. While working at my own pace, I was able to maintain my certification while enhancing my skill set and staying ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of cybersecurity.

Python Script for Deleting Old Files from S3 Bucket

I had a requirement to delete about 68,0000 files from multiple folders in an S3 bucket. This Python script automates the process of deleting old files from an Amazon S3 bucket based on pattern matching of the name of the folder/file. It connects to the S3 bucket, identifies files older than a specified timeframe, and deletes them while keeping a detailed audit trail. Here’s a breakdown of the script:

1. Setting Up:

  • The script imports the necessary modules: datetime for date manipulation, boto3 for interacting with S3, and timedelta for time calculations.
  • It defines variables for bucket name, prefix, file paths for storing S3 file names and files to be deleted, and the target file pattern for identification.

2. Gathering Files from S3:

  • A connection is established to S3 using boto3.
  • The list_objects_v2 paginator retrieves all files under the specified bucket and prefix. If you do not use this logic, only the first 1000 files will be listed.
  • The script iterates over each page and extracts the file names, storing them in a text file (files_in_s3).
  • A timestamp is recorded to indicate the completion of this stage.

3. Identifying Files for Deletion:

  • The script calculates the date two months ago using timedelta and datetime.
  • It iterates through the list of files from S3 and checks if they:
    • Start with the specified pattern (my-file-name-pattern).
    • Contain the two-month-ago date (yy_months_ago) in their name.
  • If both conditions are met, the file name is written to another text file (files_to_delete) for deletion.
  • A timestamp and a count of files marked for deletion are printed.

4. Deleting Identified Files:

  • The script iterates through the list of files to be deleted.
  • For each file, it extracts the folder and region information.
  • It checks if the current folder or region is different from the previous one. If yes, it prints a timestamp indicating the start of deletion for that specific folder/region.
  • The script then uses the delete_object function to remove the file from the S3 bucket.

5. Completion and Audit Trail:

  • A final timestamp marks the completion of file deletion.
  • The script prints “End of program” as a closing message.


  • Automates deletion of old files, reducing storage costs and improving data management.
  • Maintains an audit trail of files identified for deletion and their removal timestamps.
  • Customizable to different bucket configurations and deletion criteria.


  • This script assumes the necessary AWS credentials are configured for accessing S3 resources.
  • Modify the script parameters like bucket name, prefix, pattern, and file paths as needed for your specific scenario.

This script provides a comprehensive and efficient way to manage and delete old files in your S3 bucket, ensuring optimal storage utilization and data governance.


from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import boto3

now = datetime.now()
print(f"Starting at : {now}")
print(' ')

## Bucket details
bucket_name = 'my-bucket'
bucket_prefix = 'my-prefix/'
files_in_s3 = 'C:/dean/python/s3_list.txt'
files_to_delete = 'C:/dean/python/s3_delete.txt'

## Connect to S3 and get the file names
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
paginator = s3.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')
page_iterator= paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket_name, Prefix=bucket_prefix)
with open(files_in_s3, 'w') as f:
    for page in page_iterator:
        contents = page.get('Contents', [])
        for item in contents:
            f.write(item['Key'] + '\n')  
now = datetime.now()
print(f"Collected files from S3 at {now}")
print(' ')

## find the n-2 month
n_months_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=60)
yy_months_ago = n_months_ago.strftime('%Y/%m')
print(f"Deleting files for {yy_months_ago}")
print(' ')

## Write the files to be deleted to an audit trail
file_ctr = 0
file_out= open(files_to_delete, 'w')
with open(files_in_s3, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        file_name = line.strip()
        if  file_name.startswith('my-file-name-pattern'):
            if  yy_months_ago in file_name:
                file_out.write(file_name + '\n')
                file_ctr = file_ctr + 1
now = datetime.now()
print(f"Identified files to delete at {now}")
temp = 'Number of files to delete ' + str(file_ctr)                
print(' ')

## Delete the files
prev_folder = ''
prev_region = ''
with open(files_to_delete, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        cur_folder = line.split('/')[3]
        cur_region = line.split('/')[4]
        if cur_folder != prev_folder or cur_region != prev_region:
            now = datetime.now()
            print(f"Deleting files from {cur_folder}/{cur_region} at {now}")
            prev_folder = cur_folder
            prev_region = cur_region
        file_name = line.strip()
        s3.delete_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=file_name)
print(' ')
now = datetime.now()
print(f"Completed file deletion at {now}")
print(' ')
print('End of program')


Amazon CodeWhisperer demo

I have recently begun using Amazon CodeWhisperer and am continually impressed by its ability to save me time by automating typing, reducing syntax lookup, and error reduction. The tool is available for multiple IDEs, including Visual Studio Code and PyCharm, and supports multiple languages, such as Python, Java, and C#. I have been using it for Python in Visual Studio Code.

The first step is to add the AWS Toolkit extension to VS Code:








The next step is to sign up for CodeWhisperer, using a personal email address. The product is free for individual use with unlimited code suggestions. The extension exchanges a code with an Amazon website to enable the product to run. After this brief sign-up process, you are ready to go.

For example, to create a Python program to select data from a Postgres table, I provided the following comment line:

#connect to a postgres database and cust_id, cust_name, create_ts from public.dc_customer ordered by cust_name

and hit the enter key at the end of the command line. CodeWhisperer starts suggesting the required lines of code such as “import psycopg2”, “try:” etc.

Each suggestion shows up in grey text and if you want to accept the suggestion, use the tab key and it will be converted to code with the proper highlighting and indentation.

I continued to accept the suggestions in the next few screenshots:

After the “finally” block, all of the logic requested in the first comment line was in place. I made two changes to the code created by CodeWhisperer; added in the dbname, host, password etc. and added “FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY”.

The code executed without any errors:

Complete details on Amazon CodeWhisperer can be found on this page.


Sharing an AWS customer managed KMS key between accounts

My client had a requirement to clone an Aurora database from the production account to a test account. In adherence to standard security practices, the production Aurora instance was configured with encryption utilizing a customer-managed Key Management Service (KMS) key. To enable the successful cloning of the database into the test account, a prerequisite step is to share the KMS key from the production account with the test account.

If the key was created via the console, we can navigate to the KMS page and filter for the key as shown below:





If you click on the Alias and then the Key Policy tab and scroll down






there is an option to add other AWS account




However, keys created via a cloud formation template such as below:

  ## Create a key
    Type: AWS::KMS::Key
    DeletionPolicy: Retain
        Version: '2012-10-17'
        - Effect: Allow
            AWS: 'arn:aws:iam::111111111121:root'
          Action: 'kms:*'
          Resource: '*'
      - Key: Name
        Value: dc-test-key-03
  ## Create an alias for the key
    Type: 'AWS::KMS::Alias'
    DeletionPolicy: Retain
      AliasName: 'alias/dc-test-key-03-alias'
      TargetKeyId: !Ref rCreateDBKMSCMK

lack the add other AWS account button:









In order to allow sharing, the below needs to be added to the key’s policy.

  • In this example, account 101010101010 is the key owner and is sharing the key with account 707070707070.
  • Typically the key policy will already contain permissions similar to the code in black. The code in red is needed to enable the share.
  • In this example, I am sharing with the root account. This can be changed as per your security requirements.
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::101010101010:root"
            "Action": "kms:*",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::707070707070:root"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "Allow attachment of persistent resources",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::707070707070:root"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "Bool": {
                    "kms:GrantIsForAWSResource": "true"

After the above policy change has been made, the key will be shared with the other account. This can be verified by signing on to the 707070707070 account and issuing the below command to describe the key:

aws kms describe-key --key-id=arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:101010101010:key/6897


Testing online COBOL environments

I often use web-based environments, to test the syntax of particular statements in programing languages. As a fun challenge, I decided to see if I could find a web-based environment to test COBOL code. I was expecting this to be an impossible quest because; “why would you?” 😊

After trying a couple of sites, I landed on tutorials point’s web site:
Tutorialspoint online COBOL compiler

Using this website, I was able to write a simple COBOL program to reverse a string. Some of the key concepts used are
b. One dimensional table
c. Reference modification, aka COBOL speak for substring

Below is a screen shot of the web interface. The source code is displayed in the left panel. When you press the execute button, the right panel is a terminal that accepts input and displays output.

Occasionally the web interface displays its true unix/php identity with a message such as:

This can be remediated by putting the string in quotes as shown below:

The complete source code in text is below:



    05  WS-ORIGINAL-TXT           PIC X(100).
    05  WS-I                      PIC S9(3)  USAGE IS COMP-3 VALUE 0.
    05  WS-J                      PIC S9(3)  USAGE IS COMP-3 VALUE 0.
    05  WS-TEMP                   PIC X(01).
    05  WS-ORIG-TXT-LEN           PIC S9(3)  USAGE IS COMP-3.

    DISPLAY "Enter a string to reverse: "

    DISPLAY "You entered    : " WS-ORIGINAL-TXT(1:WS-ORIG-TXT-LEN)

            COMPUTE WS-J = WS-J + 1
    DISPLAY "Reverse string : " WS-REVERSE-TXT-TABLE

Load testing with pgbench


PostgreSQL is renowned for its robustness and reliability, making it a go-to choice for a wide range of applications. To ensure your PostgreSQL database performs at its best, benchmarking is a crucial step in the process. In this blog post, I will delve into the powerful capabilities of pgbench, a versatile tool for running benchmark tests on PostgreSQL.

Out of the box, pgbench uses a scenario loosely based on TPC-B, running a sequence of five SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT commands per transaction. While this default scenario provides valuable insights into your system’s performance, there are cases where more specialized testing is necessary.

In this blog, I will explore the art of crafting customized benchmarks using specific tables and SQL statements. This approach enables you to tailor your benchmark to the unique demands of your application, ensuring your PostgreSQL database is optimized for real-world workloads.

Create an EC2

Create an Amazon EC2 running Amazon Linux. These instructions use an Instance type of t2.2xlarge with the below configuration:

cat /etc/image-id
recipe_name="al2023 ami"

Please note that amazon-linux-extras is not available for Amazon Linux 2023.

Install postgresql15

Install postgresql15 with the following command

sudo yum install postgresql15

The output will be similar to:

sudo yum install postgresql15
Last metadata expiration check: 0:11:01 ago on Mon Oct 23 16:46:45 2023.
Dependencies resolved.
Package                                                  Architecture                          Version                                             Repository                                  Size
Lines omitted for brevity
  Verifying        : postgresql15-private-libs-15.0-1.amzn2023.0.4.x86_64                                                                                                                        2/2

  postgresql15-15.0-1.amzn2023.0.4.x86_64                                                    postgresql15-private-libs-15.0-1.amzn2023.0.4.x86_64


Install postgresql-contrib package

This package contains various extension modules that are included in the PostgreSQL distribution including pgbench. Install the package with the following command:

sudo yum install postgresql15-contrib

The output will be similar to:

sudo yum install postgresql15-contrib
Last metadata expiration check: 0:32:28 ago on Mon Oct 23 16:46:45 2023.
Dependencies resolved.
Lines omitted for brevity
  Verifying        : uuid-1.6.2-50.amzn2023.0.2.x86_64                                                                                                                                           3/3

  libxslt-1.1.34-5.amzn2023.0.2.x86_64                          postgresql15-contrib-15.0-1.amzn2023.0.4.x86_64                          uuid-1.6.2-50.amzn2023.0.2.x86_64


Verify that pgbench has been installed:

which pgbench



Create a working directory/folder

Create a working directory for pgbench related artifacts

mkdir pgbench; cd pgbench

Create a database for pgbench

For the purpose of this testing, I will be creating a new database named pg-bench. Log on as the RDS administrator and run the below commands:

CREATE DATABASE "dc-pgbench"
    OWNER = dbadmin
    LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
    LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
    TABLESPACE = pg_default
    IS_TEMPLATE = False;

Connect to this new database and create a user for pgbench with the following commands:

create user dcpgbench with encrypted password 'mypassword';
grant all privileges on database "dc-pgbench" to dcpgbench;

Confirm connectivity to the Postgres RDS instance

In the pgbench directory, create the below file to facilitate logging on to the database without having to type a long command:

Edit a file

vi psql.ksh

Enter the below commands after modifying for your instance:

export PGB_HOST=red-primary-writer.xxxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
export PGB_PORT=5432
export PGB_DB=dc-pgbench
export PGB_USER=dcpgbench
PGPASSWORD=mypassword psql --host=$PGB_HOST --port=$PGB_PORT --username=$PGB_USER --dbname=$PGB_DB

Change permissions

chmod u+x psql.ksh

Test connectivity


If successful, the connection will look like:

psql (15.0, server 14.6)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: AES128-SHA256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

dc-pgbench=> SELECT current_database();
(1 row)


I also issued the command

SELECT current_database();

To confirm that I am connected to the correct database.

Create a data structures that will be used to stress test the database instance

I will be using the below structures to create a load on the database. The workload will be executed by user dcpgbench.

Sequences for keys

The below sequences will be used to generate customer, order and, item data respectively:

CREATE SEQUENCE if not exists dc_cust_id
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807

CREATE SEQUENCE if not exists dc_order_id
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807

CREATE SEQUENCE if not exists dc_item_id
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807

GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE dc_cust_id TO dcpgbench;
GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE dc_order_id TO dcpgbench;
GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE dc_item_id TO dcpgbench;


The below tables will store customer, items and order data respectively:

CREATE TABLE dc_customer
  cust_id      BIGINT                         NOT NULL,
  cust_name    VARCHAR(60)                    NOT NULL,
  create_ts    timestamp(0) without TIME zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT   dc_cust_pk PRIMARY KEY (cust_id)

  item_id      BIGINT                         NOT NULL,
  item_name    VARCHAR(60)                    NOT NULL,
  create_ts    timestamp(0) without TIME zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT   dc_item_pk PRIMARY KEY (item_id)

  order_id     BIGINT NOT NULL,
  cust_id      BIGINT NOT NULL references dc_customer (cust_id),
  item_id      BIGINT NOT NULL references dc_item (item_id),
  quantity     BIGINT NOT NULL,
  create_ts    timestamp(0) without TIME zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT   dc_order_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_id)

ON dc_customer, dc_item, dc_order
TO dcpgbench

Load test 01 – Write intensive

I will be using the below script to perform a load test. At a high level, this test will create data in our three tables simulating writes. This data will then be used in a later script to simulate read intensive data.

Command to execute the script
Execute the script with the below command

nohup ./load-test-01.ksh > load-test-01.out 2>&1 &

Contents of the script
Below are the contents of the script with comments on each line of code


## database endpoint
export PGB_HOST=red-primary-writer.xxxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
## database port
export PGB_PORT=5432
## bench mark database
export PGB_DB=dc-pgbench
## The user name to connect as
export PGB_USER=dcpgbench
## Number of clients simulated, that is, number of concurrent database sessions
export PGB_CLIENTS=50
## Number of worker threads within pgbench
export PGB_THREADS=20
## filename containing the SQLs to be executed
export PGB_SQL_FILE=load_test_01.sql
## Run the test for this many seconds
export PGB_RUN_TIME=300
## Set the filename prefix for the log files created by --log
export PGB_LOG_PREFIX=dc-pgb
## Sampling rate, used when writing data into the log, to reduce the
## amount of log generated. 1.0 means all transactions will be logged,
## 0.05 means only 5% of the transactions will be logged
export PGB_SAMPLE_RATE=0.05
## make sure we are in the correct directory
cd /home/ec2-user/pgbench
## run the test
PGPASSWORD=mypassword pgbench --client=$PGB_CLIENTS --jobs=$PGB_THREADS --time=$PGB_RUN_TIME --username=$PGB_USER -d $PGB_DB --host=$PGB_HOST --port=$PGB_PORT --file=$PGB_SQL_FILE --log --log-prefix
=$PGB_LOG_PREFIX --sampling-rate=$PGB_SAMPLE_RATE --no-vacuum

Contents of the SQL to generate write activity
The following SQL commands will be executed to generate some load on the database. These SQL statements will be saved in file named load_test_01.sql which will be referenced by the script named load-test-01.ksh.

--get the next sequence value for the order id and 
--item id
SELECT nextval('dc_cust_id') \gset cust_id_
SELECT nextval('dc_item_id') \gset item_id_
--Create a random value from the MMSS of the current 
--timestamp to be used as an order quaintity
SELECT cast(substring(TO_CHAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH12:MMSS') from 15 for 4) as int) as order_qty \gset
--Insert a row into the customer table
INTO   dc_customer
--Insert a row into the item table
INTO   dc_item
--Insert a row into the order table
INTO   dc_order

Load test 02 – Read intensive

I will be using the below script to perform a read load test. At a high level, this test will perform multiple reads on our three tables. The previous test has written approximately 150,000 rows to our three test tables.

Command to execute the script
Execute the script with the below command

nohup ./load-test-02.ksh > load-test-02.out >2&1 &

Contents of the script
Below are the contents of the script with comments on each line of code


## database endpoint
export PGB_HOST=red-primary-writer.xxxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
## database port
export PGB_PORT=5432
## bench mark database
export PGB_DB=dc-pgbench
## The user name to connect as
export PGB_USER=dcpgbench
## Number of clients simulated, that is, number of concurrent database sessions
export PGB_CLIENTS=200
## Number of worker threads within pgbench
export PGB_THREADS=20
## filename containing the SQLs to be executed
export PGB_SQL_FILE=load_test_02.sql
## Run the test for this many seconds
export PGB_RUN_TIME=300
## make sure we are in the correct directory
cd /home/ec2-user/pgbench
## run the test
PGPASSWORD=mypassword pgbench --client=$PGB_CLIENTS --jobs=$PGB_THREADS --time=$PGB_RUN_TIME --username=$PGB_USER -d $PGB_DB --host=$PGB_HOST --port=$PGB_PORT --file=$PGB_SQL_FILE --no-vacuum

Contents of the SQL to generate read activity
The plan for this script is to select random data from our three tables. These SQL statements will be saved in file named load_test_01.sql which will be referenced by the script named load-test-01.ksh .

First, I establish the current value of the sequences with the below SQLs:

SELECT last_value FROM dc_cust_id;
SELECT last_value FROM dc_item_id;
SELECT last_value FROM dc_order_id;

Each of the sequences is current at a value of approximately 151,000 and hence I will use 150,000 as the upper range in the below random function.

SELECT floor(random()*(150000)) as dc_cust_id \gset
--select the orders
from        dc_order ord
inner join  dc_customer cus
        on  cus.cust_id = ord.cust_id 
inner join  dc_item itm
        on  itm.item_id = ord.item_id 
where       cus.cust_id = :dc_cust_id
order by 

Monitoring the activity – Performance Insights

The impact of the test can be measured by Performance Insights. I ran a test with PGB_CLIENTS set to 500 users for a period of 5 minutes. The Average active sessions (AAS) displayed this spike in Performance insights as a result of the load placed on the database:

As expected the top user was dcpgbench, the user running the workload:

The top SQLs reported by Performance Insights also list the SQL statements that I was executing

Create a Lambda alerting process


The goal is to create a lambda that runs once a day and sends an alert on all EC2 instances that are currently configured in all regions for a given account. The solution consists of

  1. A role to provide permissions
  2. An SNS topic that can be subscribed to by users who wish to be notified
  3. A lambda written in python to identify the EC2 instances
  4. A scheduling process consisting of an EventBridge rule and an EventBridge trigger

Create the role

Navigate to the IAM Dashboard and click on “Roles” in the left panel

  1. Click on the orange “Create role” button
  2. Select “AWS service” under the “Trusted entity type”
  3. Select “Lambda” under the “Use case”
  4. Under the “Permissions policies” search for “AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole” and select it
  5. Click on the orange “Next” button
  6. Provide a “Role name” and meaningful “Description”

Click on the orange “Create role” button. We will be modifying the role later to add more permissions.

Return to the IAM Roles dashboard and search for the role as we have to add two more permissions

  1. Click on the “Role name” and then on “Add permissions”, “Attach policies” on the next page
  2. On the next page, add the “AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess” and then repeat to add the
  3. “AmazonSNSFullAccess” policies.

The role creation is now complete.

Create the SNS topic

To demonstrate the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), we will create the topic via a CLI command rather than the console. The AWS CLI command can be executed either from an EC2 instance with the required permissions or from cloud shell.I will be using cloud shell as it does not require any setup. The command is as follows

aws sns create-topic --name dc-running-assets-sns-topic

The output will display the ARN of the SNS topic. Save the ARN as it will be needed later.

Navigate to the “Amazon SNS” “Topics” dashboard and search for the SNS topic with the name from the above create command. Click on the “Name” and then on the orange “Create subscription” button on the next page. On the next page, populate the “Protocol” as “Email” and the “Endpoint” with your email address and click on the orange create subscription button

You will receive an email requesting you to confirm subscription. After you click on the “Confirm subscription” link, you will be taken to the subscription confirmation webpage. This can also be confirmed by returning to the SNS dashboard and checking the subscriptions. Additionally, you will receive a subscription confirmation email.

Create the lambda function in python

Navigate to the Lambda functions page in the console and click on the orange “Create function” button.

  1. On the “Create function” web page
  2. Select the “Author from scratch” option
  3. Populate the “Function name”. I will use dc-running-assets-lambda
  4. Select Python 3.9 under the “Runtime” drop down
  5. Select x86_64 under “Architecture”
  6. Under the “Change default execution role”
  7. Select “Use an existing role”
  8. Populate the role created above in the “Existing role” drop down

Finally click on the orange “Create function” button

On the next page, click on the “Code” tab if not already selected and replace the prepopulated code with the code below after making the following modifications

  1. Replace the sns_topic_arn variable with the arn of the SNS topic created earlier
  2. Comment or uncomment the lines with comments “Running instances only” or “All instance” depending on your use case
  3. The “import os” is in place in the even you need to debug with the use of print statements
import boto3
import os

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    sns_topic_arn = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:xxxxx:dc-running-assets-sns-topic'
    ec2_regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in boto3.client('ec2').describe_regions()['Regions']]
    all_instances = []
    for region in ec2_regions:
        all_instances.append(' ')
        all_instances.append(f"**** Region: {region} ***")
        ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region)

        # Running instances only
        #response = ec2.describe_instances(Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']}])
        # All instances
        response = ec2.describe_instances()
        for reservation in response['Reservations']:
            for instance in reservation['Instances']:
                instance_id = instance['InstanceId']
                instance_state = instance['State']['Name']
                instance_type = instance['InstanceType']
                private_ip = instance['PrivateIpAddress']
                all_instances.append(f"Region: {region}, Inst. ID: {instance_id}, State: {instance_state}, Type: {instance_type}, Prvt. IP: {private_ip}")

    if all_instances:
        sns = boto3.client('sns')
        message = "List of EC2 Instances:\n" + '\n'.join(all_instances)
        sns.publish(TopicArn=sns_topic_arn, Subject="List of EC2 Instances", Message=message)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': 'Email sent successfully'

After pasting the code, click on the “Deploy” button and the “Changes not deployed” message will be removed.

Configuring timeouts

Lambda functions are created with a default timeout of 3 seconds. This particular lambda needs approximately 45 seconds to execute as it loops through all the regions and all the EC2 in each region hence we need to increase the default timeout. This is accomplished as follows:

  1. Select the “Configuration” tab to the right of the “Code” tab and click on “General configuration”
    Click on the “Edit” button
  2. On the “Edit basic settings” page, enter the following
  3. I added a description in the “Description – optional” box
  4. Change the “Timeout” to 45 seconds

Create an AWS event to trigger the lambda on a set schedule

Create the scheduler as follows:

  1. On the lambda page, click on the “Add trigger” button in the “Function overview” section at the top of the page
  2. On the Add trigger page, type “Schedule” into the “Select a source” box and select “EventBridge (CloudWatch events)”
  3. On the “Trigger configuration” page, select “Create a new rule” and populate
    • “Rule name” with the name of the rule
    • “rule description” with a meaningful description
  4. Under “Rule type”
    • Select “Schedule expression”
    • Enter the schedule in the “Schedule expression” box. For example, “cron(0 20 * * ? *)” indicates that the schedule is every day at 20:00 hours

Click on the orange “Add” button to create the rule


The lambda function will now execute as per the defined schedule and email the list of servers from the account.

Creating an Excel workbook with multiple worksheets via Python

Discovering the wonders of Python is an ever-surprising journey. Just when I thought I had seen it all, a new cool feature emerged before me. Recently, I stumbled upon a fascinating solution while exploring ways to create Excel workbooks with multiple worksheets. It’s called XlsxWriter – a Python module dedicated to crafting Excel XLSX files.


Below is a sample program to create an Excel Workbook with two worksheets.

#! /usr/bin/python3

import os
import xlsxwriter

# Function to write the 'Dream cars' worksheet
def write_sheet_cars():
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Dream cars')

# Formatting for header row
cell_format = workbook.add_format({'font_color': 'blue', 'bold': True, 'align': 'Left'})
row = 0
col = 0
worksheet.write(row, col, 'Name & model', cell_format)
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, 'Price (USD)', cell_format)

# Formatting for data rows
cell_format = workbook.add_format({'font_color': 'black', 'num_format': '$###,###,##0', 'align': 'Right'})
row = row + 1
col = 0
worksheet.write(row, col, 'Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Lungo Spider')
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, 19800000, cell_format)

row = row + 1
col = 0
worksheet.write(row, col, '1955 Jaguar D-Type')
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, 21780000, cell_format)

row = row + 1
col = 0
worksheet.write(row, col, '1957 Ferrari 335 Sport Scaglietti')
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, 35710000, cell_format)

# Autofit the columns to fit the content

# Function to write the 'Cool planes' worksheet
def write_sheet_planes():
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Cool planes')

# Formatting for header row
cell_format = workbook.add_format({'font_color': 'blue', 'bold': True, 'align': 'Left'})
row = 0
col = 0
worksheet.write(row, col, 'Name & model', cell_format)
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, 'Maximum speed (km/h)', cell_format)

# Formatting for data rows
cell_format = workbook.add_format({'font_color': 'black', 'num_format': '###,###,##0', 'align': 'Right'})
row = row + 1
col = 0
worksheet.write(row, col, 'Mig 25')
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, 3000, cell_format)

row = row + 1
col = 0
worksheet.write(row, col, 'F-15 Eagle')
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, 3087, cell_format)

row = row + 1
col = 0
worksheet.write(row, col, 'Su-27 Flanker')
worksheet.write(row, col + 1, 2500, cell_format)

# Autofit the columns to fit the content

## Main processing


# Create a new Excel workbook
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('Excel_Workbook_From_Python.xlsx')

# Write the 'Dream cars' worksheet

# Write the 'Cool planes' worksheet

# Close the workbook and save the changes

The "Dream cars" worksheet:
Sheet 01

The "Cool planes" worksheet:
Sheet 01