Issues with storing the password file in ASM under Oracle 12.1

We were copying the password file into ASM as this was supposed to allow us to have the password file in one location on a multi-node RAC database. In the past the practice has been to have the same version/copy of the password file was in the oracle home in each node of the RAC. Moving to a single password file on ASM seemed like a much better solution.

The odd result that we encountered was that when we would issue the below command at the asmcmd prompt

pwcopy --dbuniquename PRODDB /my_backup_location/pwdproddb +DG/proddb/password/pwdproddb

We would then list the files and see


We opened an SR with Oracle and were pointed to the below bug

Bug 19777340 - asmcmd pwcopy creates DB password file as incorrect fully qualified file name if destination is ASM diskgroup (Doc ID 19777340.8)

Per Oracle, the solution is to go to 12.2.01.

Application error causing MAX PROCESSES to be exceeded

We had a situation where an issue in the application was causing a large number of threads to be spawned from Apache/Tomcat. These threads would persist in an inactive status until we hit the max processes limit and then impact new threads.

As a quick fix, we changed the user’s profile to set the IDLE_TIME at 60 minutes. We did see the sessions being snipped after the IDLE_TIME threshold was reached:

USERNAME                       STATUS     COUNT(*)                                                  
------------------------------ -------- ----------                                                  
XYZ                            INACTIVE         10                                                  
PRDUSR                         ACTIVE            1                                                  
PRDUSR                         INACTIVE         44                                                  
PRDUSR                         SNIPED           20                                                  
SYS                            ACTIVE            1                                                  
SYS                            INACTIVE          1                                                  
                               ACTIVE           35

However, PMON was not actually killing the sessions resulting in us continuing to hit max processes. Oracle support suggested that this was due to “Bug 16494960 – killed session not being cleaned up (Doc ID 16494960.8)”.

Adding the keyword “immediate” resolved this as shown below:

alter system kill session '443,16740' immediate;

Since we tended to hit max processes in the early hours of the morning, I created the below script to monitor, report on and kill the sessions in an ‘INACTIVE’,’SNIPED’,’KILLED’ status:

cd /dba_scripts
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle_home/12.1.0/
export PATH=$PATH:/oracle_home/12.1.0/bin
export ORACLE_SID=proddb1
sqlplus -s / as sysdba << EOF
   set linesize 100
   spool /dba_scripts/dean_info_before.txt
   select    username, status, count(*) 
   from      gv\$session 
   group by  username, status 
   order by  username, status
   select    username, status, last_call_et, sid, serial# 
   from      v\$session 
   where     username = 'PRDUSR' 
     and     status in ('INACTIVE','SNIPED','KILLED') 
     and     last_call_et > 6000
   order by  sid, serial#  
   spool off
   spool /dba_scripts/dean_kills.sql
   select    'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||''' immediate;' as script 
   from      v\$session 
   where     username='PRDUSR' 
     and     status in ('INACTIVE','SNIPED','KILLED') 
     and     last_call_et > 6000
   order by  sid, serial#  
   spool off
   spool /dba_scripts/dean_killed.log
   set echo on
   set feedback on
   spool off
   spool /dba_scripts/dean_info_after.txt
   select    username, status, count(*) 
   from      gv\$session 
   group by  username, status 
   order by  username, status
   spool off
echo 'Status before kills'  > dean_report.txt
echo '-------------------' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
cat /dba_scripts/dean_info_before.txt >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo 'Sessions identified for kills' >> dean_report.txt
echo '-----------------------------' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
cat /dba_scripts/dean_kills.sql >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo 'Kill output' >> dean_report.txt
echo '-----------' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
cat /dba_scripts/dean_killed.log >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
echo 'Status after kills' >> dean_report.txt
echo '-------------------' >> dean_report.txt
echo ' ' >> dean_report.txt
cat /dba_scripts/dean_info_after.txt >> dean_report.txt
mail -s "Kills from proddb1" "" < /dba_scripts/dean_report.txt

This was then scheduled in cron as follows:

## Oct 04, 2019 - Dean Capps - Start
##     This scripts kills threads to stay under the 900 processes limit
00 00,12 * * * * cd /dba_scripts; ksh ./dean_kills.ksh > /dba_scripts/dean_kills.ksh.cron.out 2>&1
## Oct 04, 2019 - Dean Capps - End

The output will be as follows:

Status before kills
USERNAME                       STATUS     COUNT(*)                                                 
------------------------------ -------- ----------                                                 
XYZ                            INACTIVE         10                                                 
PRDUSR                         ACTIVE            1                                                 
PRDUSR                         INACTIVE         44                                                 
PRDUSR                         SNIPED           20                                                 
SYS                            ACTIVE            1                                                 
SYS                            INACTIVE          1                                                 
                               ACTIVE           35                                                 
7 rows selected.
USERNAME                       STATUS   LAST_CALL_ET        SID    SERIAL#                         
------------------------------ -------- ------------ ---------- ----------                         
PRDUSR                         SNIPED           6199        443      16740                         
PRDUSR                         SNIPED           6199        556      37500                         
PRDUSR                         SNIPED           6199        615      17620                         
PRDUSR                         SNIPED           6199        670      46290                         
Sessions identified for kills
alter system kill session '443,16740' immediate;                                                   
alter system kill session '556,37500' immediate;                                                   
alter system kill session '615,17620' immediate;                                                   
alter system kill session '670,46290' immediate;                                                   
Kill output
System altered.
System altered.
System altered.
System altered.
Status after kills
USERNAME                       STATUS     COUNT(*)                                                 
------------------------------ -------- ----------                                                 
XYZ                            INACTIVE         10                                                 
PRDUSR                         ACTIVE            2                                                 
PRDUSR                         INACTIVE         43                                                 
PRDUSR                         KILLED            1                                                 
PRDUSR                         SNIPED           16                                                 
SYS                            ACTIVE            1                                                 
SYS                            INACTIVE          1                                                 
                               ACTIVE           35                                                 
8 rows selected.