Create a Lambda alerting process


The goal is to create a lambda that runs once a day and sends an alert on all EC2 instances that are currently configured in all regions for a given account. The solution consists of

  1. A role to provide permissions
  2. An SNS topic that can be subscribed to by users who wish to be notified
  3. A lambda written in python to identify the EC2 instances
  4. A scheduling process consisting of an EventBridge rule and an EventBridge trigger

Create the role

Navigate to the IAM Dashboard and click on “Roles” in the left panel

  1. Click on the orange “Create role” button
  2. Select “AWS service” under the “Trusted entity type”
  3. Select “Lambda” under the “Use case”
  4. Under the “Permissions policies” search for “AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole” and select it
  5. Click on the orange “Next” button
  6. Provide a “Role name” and meaningful “Description”

Click on the orange “Create role” button. We will be modifying the role later to add more permissions.

Return to the IAM Roles dashboard and search for the role as we have to add two more permissions

  1. Click on the “Role name” and then on “Add permissions”, “Attach policies” on the next page
  2. On the next page, add the “AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess” and then repeat to add the
  3. “AmazonSNSFullAccess” policies.

The role creation is now complete.

Create the SNS topic

To demonstrate the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), we will create the topic via a CLI command rather than the console. The AWS CLI command can be executed either from an EC2 instance with the required permissions or from cloud shell.I will be using cloud shell as it does not require any setup. The command is as follows

aws sns create-topic --name dc-running-assets-sns-topic

The output will display the ARN of the SNS topic. Save the ARN as it will be needed later.

Navigate to the “Amazon SNS” “Topics” dashboard and search for the SNS topic with the name from the above create command. Click on the “Name” and then on the orange “Create subscription” button on the next page. On the next page, populate the “Protocol” as “Email” and the “Endpoint” with your email address and click on the orange create subscription button

You will receive an email requesting you to confirm subscription. After you click on the “Confirm subscription” link, you will be taken to the subscription confirmation webpage. This can also be confirmed by returning to the SNS dashboard and checking the subscriptions. Additionally, you will receive a subscription confirmation email.

Create the lambda function in python

Navigate to the Lambda functions page in the console and click on the orange “Create function” button.

  1. On the “Create function” web page
  2. Select the “Author from scratch” option
  3. Populate the “Function name”. I will use dc-running-assets-lambda
  4. Select Python 3.9 under the “Runtime” drop down
  5. Select x86_64 under “Architecture”
  6. Under the “Change default execution role”
  7. Select “Use an existing role”
  8. Populate the role created above in the “Existing role” drop down

Finally click on the orange “Create function” button

On the next page, click on the “Code” tab if not already selected and replace the prepopulated code with the code below after making the following modifications

  1. Replace the sns_topic_arn variable with the arn of the SNS topic created earlier
  2. Comment or uncomment the lines with comments “Running instances only” or “All instance” depending on your use case
  3. The “import os” is in place in the even you need to debug with the use of print statements
import boto3
import os

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    sns_topic_arn = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:xxxxx:dc-running-assets-sns-topic'
    ec2_regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in boto3.client('ec2').describe_regions()['Regions']]
    all_instances = []
    for region in ec2_regions:
        all_instances.append(' ')
        all_instances.append(f"**** Region: {region} ***")
        ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region)

        # Running instances only
        #response = ec2.describe_instances(Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']}])
        # All instances
        response = ec2.describe_instances()
        for reservation in response['Reservations']:
            for instance in reservation['Instances']:
                instance_id = instance['InstanceId']
                instance_state = instance['State']['Name']
                instance_type = instance['InstanceType']
                private_ip = instance['PrivateIpAddress']
                all_instances.append(f"Region: {region}, Inst. ID: {instance_id}, State: {instance_state}, Type: {instance_type}, Prvt. IP: {private_ip}")

    if all_instances:
        sns = boto3.client('sns')
        message = "List of EC2 Instances:\n" + '\n'.join(all_instances)
        sns.publish(TopicArn=sns_topic_arn, Subject="List of EC2 Instances", Message=message)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': 'Email sent successfully'

After pasting the code, click on the “Deploy” button and the “Changes not deployed” message will be removed.

Configuring timeouts

Lambda functions are created with a default timeout of 3 seconds. This particular lambda needs approximately 45 seconds to execute as it loops through all the regions and all the EC2 in each region hence we need to increase the default timeout. This is accomplished as follows:

  1. Select the “Configuration” tab to the right of the “Code” tab and click on “General configuration”
    Click on the “Edit” button
  2. On the “Edit basic settings” page, enter the following
  3. I added a description in the “Description – optional” box
  4. Change the “Timeout” to 45 seconds

Create an AWS event to trigger the lambda on a set schedule

Create the scheduler as follows:

  1. On the lambda page, click on the “Add trigger” button in the “Function overview” section at the top of the page
  2. On the Add trigger page, type “Schedule” into the “Select a source” box and select “EventBridge (CloudWatch events)”
  3. On the “Trigger configuration” page, select “Create a new rule” and populate
    • “Rule name” with the name of the rule
    • “rule description” with a meaningful description
  4. Under “Rule type”
    • Select “Schedule expression”
    • Enter the schedule in the “Schedule expression” box. For example, “cron(0 20 * * ? *)” indicates that the schedule is every day at 20:00 hours

Click on the orange “Add” button to create the rule


The lambda function will now execute as per the defined schedule and email the list of servers from the account.