Some useful scheduler related commands

If you want to list all the jobs that are in the scheduler:

SELECT  A.job_name
FROM    dba_scheduler_jobs A
WHERE   job_name like ('%DAILY_JOB%')

To find out if a job ran successfully (or not):

select   a.job_name
from     dba_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG a
WHERE    a.job_name like ('%DAILY_JOB%')
order by
        ,a.log_date desc

If you need to see the complete DDL of the job

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('PROCOBJ','SOME_APP_JOB','DEAN') from dual;

The parameters are:

PROCOBJ      = procedural object which cover all objects in the scheduler
SOME_APP_JOB = Name of the job
DEAN         = Schema that contains the job

It does not seem to be possible to get the DDL for a job in the SYS schema. For example:

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('PROCOBJ','FILE_WATCHER','SYS') from dual;

Will result in:

ORA-31603: object "FILE_WATCHER" of type PROCOBJ not found in schema "SYS"
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 6069
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 8666
ORA-06512: at line 1
31603. 00000 -  "object \"%s\" of type %s not found in schema \"%s\""
*Cause:    The specified object was not found in the database.
*Action:   Correct the object specification and try the call again.

One way to get around this is to copy the job to another schema as follows:

exec dbms_scheduler.copy_job('SYS.FILE_WATCHER',’DEAN.FILE_WATCHER’);

The parameters in the above SQL are ‘old_schema.job_name’ to ‘new_schema.jobname’.

As an FYI, a copied job will be created in (i.e. copied into) the new schema as a DISABLED job.
After you get the DDL, you can drop the job with:

                                defer => false,
                                force => true);

As mentioned above, a copied job will be created in (i.e. copied into) the new schema as a DISABLED job. You can enable the job with:

exec dbms_scheduler.enable('DEAN.SOME_APP_JOB');

Author: Dean Capps

Database consultant at Amazon Web Services.