Is it worth turning on compression?

I had a need to turn on auditing of SYS operations and FGA on some tables. Additionally, I preferred to have the audit destination be the DB. I had moved bot the SYS.AUD$ and the SYS.FGA_LOG$ out of SYSAUX to their own tablespace. After collecting some data, I was curious the see if compressing the tables would allow me to store more data. This was on a – 64bit Unix environment.

Run the GET_COMPRESSION_RATIO procedures as follows:

  l_blkcnt_cmp    PLS_INTEGER;
  l_blkcnt_uncmp  PLS_INTEGER;
  l_row_cmp       PLS_INTEGER;
  l_row_uncmp     PLS_INTEGER;
  l_cmp_ratio     NUMBER;
  l_comptype_str  VARCHAR2(32767);
  DBMS_COMPRESSION.get_compression_ratio (
    scratchtbsname  => 'USERS',
    ownname         => 'SYS',
    objname         => 'AUD$',
    subobjname      => NULL,
    comptype        => DBMS_COMPRESSION.comp_advanced,
    blkcnt_cmp      => l_blkcnt_cmp,
    blkcnt_uncmp    => l_blkcnt_uncmp,
    row_cmp         => l_row_cmp,
    row_uncmp       => l_row_uncmp,
    cmp_ratio       => l_cmp_ratio,
    comptype_str    => l_comptype_str,
    subset_numrows  => DBMS_COMPRESSION.comp_ratio_allrows,
    objtype         => DBMS_COMPRESSION.objtype_table

  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Number of blocks used (compressed)       : ' ||  l_blkcnt_cmp);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Number of blocks used (uncompressed)     : ' ||  l_blkcnt_uncmp);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Number of rows in a block (compressed)   : ' ||  l_row_cmp);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Number of rows in a block (uncompressed) : ' ||  l_row_uncmp);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Compression ratio                        : ' ||  l_cmp_ratio);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Compression type                         : ' ||  l_comptype_str);

The output looks like:

Number of blocks used (compressed)       : 252
Number of blocks used (uncompressed)     : 459
Number of rows in a block (compressed)   : 70
Number of rows in a block (uncompressed) : 38
Compression ratio                        : 1.8
Compression type                         : "Compress Advanced"

This indicates that we can store about twice the number of rows in the same amount of space.

Author: Dean Capps

Database consultant at Amazon Web Services.