Debugging PostgreSQL Stored Procedures in Amazon RDS: A Workaround

Debugging stored procedures in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL might pose a challenge if you are accustomed to using a GUI tool. The absence of support for the pldbgapi extension in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL complicates this process. In this blog post, I suggest a workaround based on deploying an additional PostgreSQL on an Amazon Windows EC2 instance as a debugging platform.

Assuming that you used AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) with the Oracle extension pack, the code converted from Oracle to PostgreSQL will contain several calls to objects in schemas named aws_operators, aws_oracle_context, aws_oracle_data, and aws_oracle_ext. These modules emulate functions present in Oracle that are required for the code to execute in PostgreSQL. However, after the conversion by AWS SCT, you may still need to debug a stored procedure to resolve an issue.

The first step is to get the DDL for the objects created as part of the extension pack. The process is as follows:

– Start the AWS SCT tool,
– connect to the target database,
– right click on the target schema in the right-hand box,
– click on the “Apply Extension Pack for” Oracle in this case






In the “Apply extension pack for Oracle” dialogue box, progress to “Step 9: Function emulation” and click on the “Save scripts to” button on the bottom right.

Provide the name of a folder (preferably a new empty folder) as the target for the SQL files. The DDL files will be created as shown below

As of January 2024, this process will create 1506 files. This is subject to change as AWS releases newer versions of SCT.

The next step is to deploy an Amazon EC2 Windows instance. After the instance has been created, connect to the instance and download the PostgreSQL software from EnterpriseDB (EDB). I chose the EDB distribution as it includes several extensions preinstalled including pldbgapi.

The PostgreSQLTutorial website provides the steps to be followed to install PostgreSQL. After PostgreSQL has been installed, create a new database for this test. In this new database, create the pldbgapi extension with the SQL command


Confirm that the extension has been created. I am using PGAdmin to connect to my Amazon RDS PostgreSQL instance







After the extension has been created, copy the DDL files created from SCT to a location on the Windows server

(There are 1,509 files shown above as I created three extra files. Please ignore them.)

After some testing, I identified that the best way to deploy them was via Windows batch file with commands as shown below

@echo off
set PGPASSWORD=password-goes-here
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin\psql.exe" -h localhost -U postgres -d dctestdb -f "C:/dean/ssct-oracle-extension-pack-ddl/0001-aws_lambda.sql" -L "C:/dean/ssct-oracle-extension-pack-ddl/sct-ddl.log"
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin\psql.exe" -h localhost -U postgres -d dctestdb -f "C:/dean/ssct-oracle-extension-pack-ddl/0002-dblink_transaction.sql" -L "C:/dean/ssct-oracle-extension-pack-ddl/sct-ddl.log"
All other files here

The output of the DDL operations will be in the log file specified in the above batch file












After the DDL files have been executed, the database has the aws_operators, aws_oracle_context, aws_oracle_data, and aws_oracle_ext schemas defined










At this point, you can extract the DDL for a stored procedure (and related objects) from Amazon RDS and create it in the Windows EC2 PostgreSQL database and you will be able to debug the stored procedure via the GUI.

Completed CompTIA CertMaster CE for my Security+ certification

Maintaining IT certifications can be a time-consuming commitment, often involving retesting and juggling busy schedules. This time I decided to try CompTIA’s CertMaster Continuing Education (CE) for Security+ to extend my certification.

This self-paced e-learning program proved to be an efficient and engaging avenue to refresh and expand my existing knowledge base. Instead of cramming for a one-off test, I had the flexibility to delve deeper into key security concepts, revisiting essential skills and acquiring new ones. While working at my own pace, I was able to maintain my certification while enhancing my skill set and staying ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of cybersecurity.

Testing online COBOL environments

I often use web-based environments, to test the syntax of particular statements in programing languages. As a fun challenge, I decided to see if I could find a web-based environment to test COBOL code. I was expecting this to be an impossible quest because; “why would you?” 😊

After trying a couple of sites, I landed on tutorials point’s web site:
Tutorialspoint online COBOL compiler

Using this website, I was able to write a simple COBOL program to reverse a string. Some of the key concepts used are
b. One dimensional table
c. Reference modification, aka COBOL speak for substring

Below is a screen shot of the web interface. The source code is displayed in the left panel. When you press the execute button, the right panel is a terminal that accepts input and displays output.

Occasionally the web interface displays its true unix/php identity with a message such as:

This can be remediated by putting the string in quotes as shown below:

The complete source code in text is below:



    05  WS-ORIGINAL-TXT           PIC X(100).
    05  WS-I                      PIC S9(3)  USAGE IS COMP-3 VALUE 0.
    05  WS-J                      PIC S9(3)  USAGE IS COMP-3 VALUE 0.
    05  WS-TEMP                   PIC X(01).
    05  WS-ORIG-TXT-LEN           PIC S9(3)  USAGE IS COMP-3.

    DISPLAY "Enter a string to reverse: "

    DISPLAY "You entered    : " WS-ORIGINAL-TXT(1:WS-ORIG-TXT-LEN)

            COMPUTE WS-J = WS-J + 1
    DISPLAY "Reverse string : " WS-REVERSE-TXT-TABLE

Automating website scraping

For many years I have had a personal quest to develop a simple way to automate the collection of information from websites. In 2017, I played around with a Python/Selenium-based solution. See blog post Python/Selenium example for details.

While the Python/Selenium-based solution was interesting it did not meet all my requirements such as ease of use, low development time, and flexibility. While browsing the web I ran across Windows Power Automate which looked interesting. I was pleasantly surprised to see that a desktop version of the software was included in my Microsoft 365 subscription. I downloaded and installed the product and attempted to automate the collection of information.

The use case was to get the account balance from my brokerage account, the current DOW and S&P numbers, and write the information to a CSV file with the current date. The steps are as follows:

01. Click on create a new flow (aka program unit)
02. Set up variables for user names and passwords by clicking on “Variables” on the left and dragging the function “Set variable” into the body of the flow
03. Launch a new web browser instance with “Launch new name-of-browser”. I was not able to get the Firefox plugins to work, however, Microsoft Edge worked well
04. Populate the user name and password with “Populate text field on web page”. The product displays a UI when you are on the web page so you simply have to highlight the field on the web page and assign the variable set in 02. above
05. Usually you have to click on a login button of some sort. This is accomplished with the “Press button on web page” function
06. I coded a “Wait” for 30 seconds to let the web page complete the log on
07. Use the “Extract data from web page” to scrape the required data and store it into a variable
08. The “Get current date and time” function retrieves the current date into a variable
09. Write the data into a file with the “Write text to file” function
10. Close the web browser with the “Close web browser” function

Repeat the above steps for each web page you need to extract the information from. The individual functions can be moved up or down in the flow and can be copied to repeat a function.

One issue I ran into was that the is written to a file in columnar format. I am sure that I will be able to change this as I get more familiar with the product. In the interim, I created a few lines of code in Python and executed it from the flow with the “Run DOS command function” to format the data into a CSV file. Now when I want the information from these three websites, I run the flow and open the CSV file in Excel.

The tool also has options to debug such as run from a step or stop at a step. The product is intuitive and easy to learn for anyone with a few basic coding skills.

Complete documentation is here.

Pro*C – PCC-F-02104, Unable to connect to Oracle

If you are attempting to compile Pro*C code and get the error “PCC-F-02104, Unable to connect to Oracle”, perform the following steps:

Instead of connecting to the Oracle database as

sqlplus userid/

and then attempting to compile, edit your tnsnames.ora to add the below entry (change appropriately to reflect your database SID or service, listener, port etc.)

      (SID = MYPRODDB)

Export this entry as follows


And now connect as

sqlplus userid/password

i.e. without specifying the usual connect string.

In case you are wondering about the name “TWO_TASK”, Tom Kyte explains it best:
“because in days gone by – the 1980’s – two tasks (having two tasks working together) just made ‘sense’”.