CRON not executing scripts – Time zone issue

I ran into a strange issue today on a SunOS 5.11 sun4v sparc sun4v server. When I used the “date” command, I would see the current date and time displayed as (for example) 15:25 ET. I then created a CRON entry for 15:35 ET. However, the script would not execute at the time defined in CRON. I checked the usual permissions etc., but nothing worked. After some trial and error, a colleague identified that the user’s profile had the following entries:

export TZ

The server was actually running GMT, but the time was being displayed in ET. The scripts I was scheduling in the displayed time (ET) were not executing because CRON was scheduling the jobs in GMT.

After the above two lines were commented out, and the CRON entries defined in GMT, the scripts executed at the expected times.

STROBing a transaction

In the last few weeks, we have been challenged with a system that was supposed to process orders was not processing them in a timely fashion. TMON indicated that the process was sitting in an IC wait suggesting that the delay was intentional. However, the concern was that the process was waiting on some unknown resource such as the database. The process consisted of a CICS transaction that called a number of COBOL programs and accessed an ADABAS database.

In an attempt to identify the actual line of code that was causing the delay, we turned on STROBE. Since this is a CICS transaction, you have to run an “ADD ACTIVE” measurement as the CICS region is an executing job. Set the job name to the CICS region, the session duration to 10 minutes, and the target sample size to 20,000 (Change these numbers as required for your context). In addition, select the “Data Collectors” option with a “Y”. On the Data Collectors panel, select the CICS+ option with a “Y”.

On the CICS Data Collector Options, select “Collect Region Data” with a “Y” and provide the name of the transaction in the “Detail by Transaction” section of the panel.

At this point in time, the measurement should be active. Monitor the measurement of completion and then generate a profile in the foreground. You can do this in batch but it is a relatively trivial operation so it can be performed quickly in the foreground.

After the profile is generated, the transaction summary (#TUS) report indicated that 599 seconds of the measurement were attributable to one transaction. Further, all of this time was attribute to a single program. STROBE was able to provide us with the actual CICS command “EXEC CICS DELAY” and the offset of the compile a listing. We were able to take this offset error look into the compile listing and identify that the line of command that was generating the delay was an

     DELAY FOR SECONDS (number_of_seconds>

This proved that the delay in the process was intentional and not the result of a database or other resource contention.

printf wrapping/tabbing on spaces in variables

If you need to print the contents of variables that happen to contain spaces via printf you would typically code as follows:

export var_01='This is variable 01'
export var_02='continuing in variable 02'
printf '%-30s %-30s\n' $var_01 $var_02 >> temp.txt

However, this will output as follows:

This                           is                            
variable                       01                            
continuing                     in                            
variable                       02   

Instead of the expected:

This is variable 01            continuing in variable 02   

To prevent this, enclose the variables in double quotes:

export var_01='This is variable 01'
export var_02='continuing in variable 02'
printf '%-30s %-30s\n' "$var_01" "$var_02" >> temp.txt

Storing the result from a v$ table into a variable in a script

Typically while selecting from a V$ table in a Unix script, I have to escape the “$” character as shown below:

sqlplus -s $sqlplus_command << EOF > backup_check_temp.txt
  select  value 

The above will successfully run the SQL and write the output in the spool file.

However, if instead of the output in a spool file, you want the output in a Unix variable for further processing, you would change the code to

export ret_period=`sqlplus -s $sqlplus_command << EOF
                   select   value 
                   from     V\$RMAN_CONFIGURATION 
                   where    NAME = 'RETENTION POLICY'
if  [ -z "$ret_period" ]; then
    export ret_period='Not found'

This will fail with:

+ export 'ret_period=                select value from V where NAME = '\''RETENTION POLICY'\''
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist'

The reason is that the second method of coding results in two levels of interpretation, each of which requires the “$” character to be escaped. To get the code working, it has to be coded as follows (note the two “\\” escape characters):

export ret_period=`sqlplus -s $sqlplus_command << EOF
                   select   value 
                   from     V\\$RMAN_CONFIGURATION 
                   where    NAME = 'RETENTION POLICY'
if  [ -z "$ret_period" ]; then
    export ret_period='Not found'

Running an SCP in background while providing a password at the command prompt

I often have the requirement to run an SCP in the background (i.e. not terminally attached) on servers that have not exchanged keys to facilitate password less access. Hence, there is a need to provide a password in the foreground.

To put the SCP into background, enter the SCP command as follows (No “&” at end):

nohup scp -p /source_directory/my_very_large_file.bus > nohup.out 2>&1

You will be prompted for the password:

[unix_prompt] nohup scp -p /source_directory/my_very_large_file.bus > nohup.out 2>&1's password: 

Enter the password and press enter
Then press CTRL Z

Output will look like this. You can see the CTRL Z and a message that states it is stopped:

[unix_prompt] nohup scp -p /source_directory/my_very_large_file.bus > nohup.out 2>&1's password: 
[8]+  Stopped                 nohup scp -p /source_directory/my_very_large_file.bus > nohup.out 2>&1

After you see the stopped message and are back at the prompt type in “bg”:

[unix_prompt] bg
[8]+ nohup scp -p /source_directory/my_very_large_file.bus > nohup.out 2>&1 &

The SCP will now be resumed in background:

[unix_prompt] ps -ef | grep myuser@target_server
oracle   42065 54077  1 18:16 pts/2    00:00:02 scp -p /source_directory/my_very_large_file.bus
oracle   55618 54077  0 18:18 pts/2    00:00:00 grep myuser@target_server

The SCP is now running in the background and the terminal is freed.

REXX RC=1 SQLSTATE=01506 on DSNREXX PREPARE statement after migrating to DB2 12

A colleague had a REXX process in place that had been working with DB2 11. After the upgrade to DB2 12, the REXX exec started failing with RC=1 on a PREPARE statement. The SQL statement being prepared contained logic to generate the boundaries used in the predicates referencing a time stamp column in a table:

  FROM creator.table_name       
      'EndTS' - 2 HOURS-01 MONTHS  
  AND 'EndTS' + 2 HOURS-01 MONTHS  
      'EndTS' - 2 HOURS-02 MONTHS  
  AND 'EndTS' + 2 HOURS-02 MONTHS  
      'EndTS' - 2 HOURS-03 MONTHS  
  AND 'EndTS' + 2 HOURS-03 MONTHS  
      'EndTS' - 2 HOURS-04 MONTHS  
  AND 'EndTS' + 2 HOURS-04 MONTHS  

The REXX code PREPAREs this statement with


In DB2 11, this would return RC=0. After the upgrade to DB2 12, this started returning RC=1. The SQLCA contained:

SQLERRD.3 = 999
SQLERRD.4 = 1142028335
SQLWARN.5 =           
SQLWARN.10 =          
SQLSTATE = 01506 <---


01506 = An adjustment was made to a DATE or TIMESTAMP value to correct an invalid date resulting from an arithmetic operation.

The issue was caused because the SQL would generate an invalid date for February. In the past, the PREPARE would have ignored this.

Script to connect to multiple Linux servers with Python & Paramiko

I needed a quick and dirty script to check if I had an account and valid password on a list of servers. Instead of manually logging on to each server to confirm my access, I created a Python script using Paramiko. The script reads in a text file with a list of servers and then logs on to each server and tests if I am able to successfully log on with my user account. In order for the script to execute successfully, you need to have Parmiko installed in addition to python.


import sys
import time
import paramiko
import getpass
my_id = 'johnsmith'
my_password = getpass.getpass('Password:')
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
out_file = open('connection_results.txt','w')
in_file = open('list_of_servers.txt', 'r') 
for host in in_file: 
      print ("Checking server",host)
            ssh.connect(host, username=my_id, password=my_password)
            terminal = ssh.invoke_shell()
            print (terminal.recv(9999).decode('utf-8'))
            command = 'hostname'
            (stdin, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command(command)
            for line in stdout.readlines():
                  print ("Connected to",line)
                  out_file.write("connected to " + line + "\n")
            out_file.write("Could not connect to " + host + "\n")

Cleaning up Oracle audit files resulting in “cannot execute [Argument list too long]”

Just a quick little Unix tip:

Over the Christmas/New Year’s holidays one of my application’s audit file destination started filling up causing the database to stop future logons and generate page outs etc. The root cause appeared to be a script running on an application server that for some unknown reason was attempting to logon and failing about 2000 times a minute. This generated about the same number of audit files filling the mount point and/or exceeding the inodes. The regular housekeeping script was unable to clean up the files as it was executing the command similar to:

rm *_ora_3*_20181231*.aud

This would result in the error:

-ksh: rm: /bin/rm: cannot execute [Argument list too long]

This being the holiday season, we were unable to find a contact to either stop or fix the application script. After some Google searches, I was able to rapidly delete the files with the below command:

find /app/oracle/admin/instance1/adump -maxdepth 1 -name "*.aud" -print0 | xargs -0 rm

Using Python to search for key words in text files

As I have previously blogged, Python is very useful in solving everyday tasks that you may encounter. This week, I was tasked with reviewing resumes of potential candidates. As some of the resumes were unexpectedly long (8 pages in one instance), I came up with a list of search terms and then used the bellow python code to identify the presence of these terms in the resumes. The script generates a skills matrix of candidate name and skill as a csv that can be opened in Excel and filtered as needed. Additionally, it counts the number of search terms found in each resume to rank candidates.

This process does not in any way replace reading the resumes. It is just a convenient way to generate a cross reference of skills and candidates.

import os
import string

searchstrings = ('install', 'patch', 'upgrade', 'migrate', 'shell', 'scripts', 'rac', 'asm', 'performance', 'data guard', 'golden gate', 'import', 'export', 'pump', 'loader', 'rman', 'recovery', 'tde', 'db2', 'mysql', 'sybase', 'mongo', 'teradata', 'postgres', 'postgresql', 'casandra', 'mssql', 'aws', 'jenkins', 'json', 'cloud', 'oci')
src_dict = ("C:/temp/Resumes/temp/") #Specify base directory
report_file_name = 'C:/temp/Resumes/temp.txt'
report_file = open(report_file_name, 'w')
#temp = 'Name,Skill' + '\n'
for resumes in os.listdir(src_dict):
    #print (resumes, 'contains the below terms')
    files = os.path.join(src_dict, resumes)
    #print (files)
    strng = open(files)
    for line in strng.readlines():
        #print (line)
        for word in searchstrings:
            if  word in line.lower():
                #print ('    Found', word, 'at line-->', line.rstrip())
                temp = resumes + ',' + word + '\n'
                #print (resumes,',',word)

## Sort the data to remove the duplicates
duplicates_file = open(report_file_name, 'r').readlines()
content_set = sorted(set(duplicates_file))

unique_file_name = 'C:/temp/Resumes/report.csv'
unique_file = open(unique_file_name, 'w')
for line in content_set:


## Count the number of skills that each person has
unique_file_name = 'C:/temp/Resumes/report.csv'
with open('C:/temp/Resumes/report.csv') as unique_file:
    line = unique_file.readline()
fields = line.split(",")
prev_name = fields[0]
#print (prev_name)
skill_ctr = 0

unique_file = open(unique_file_name, 'r')
for line in unique_file:
    fields = line.split(",")
    curr_name = fields[0]
    if  curr_name == prev_name:
        skill_ctr = skill_ctr + 1
        temp = prev_name + ' has ' + str(skill_ctr) + ' skills.'
        print (temp)
        prev_name = curr_name
        skill_ctr = 0
temp = curr_name + ' has ' + str(skill_ctr) + ' skills.'
print (temp)


Python to the rescue – comparing text (fields) in a file

Python has increasingly become my go-to language for solving the annoying little problems that occur on a day to day basis. A good book for beginners is “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners” by Al Sweigart.

I have a process that runs multi streamed on a server. The input parameters and the log files containing the output are read from and written to different directories which are based on the stream name. Each log file is parsed at the end of the process to ensure that all the input parameters have been processed. I noticed that two streams were encountering issues as the stream name did not match the directory name in the input parameters. Rather than manually find the mismatch, I found the mismatch in a couple of minutes with the below python code:

import pdb
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import commands
import time
import socket
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US')
## Main Logic

for line in all_parms:
        ## Filter out some non-data lines
        if  '/dbbackup' in line:
                if  stream_name != location:
                        print "Found a mismatch",stream_name,location
                        print line
                        print " "

The input file looks like:
