Sum the size of all files that match a pattern in a directory

A quick little command to print sum of the sizes of all files in a directory that match a pattern for a given date:

ls -ltr *.gz | grep "Nov 16" | awk '{sum = sum + $5} END {print ((sum/1024)/1024) " mb"}'

The sum of size all files in the current directory that have an extension of “.gz” and were created on “Nov 16” will be returned. The size, in mb, is a close approximation.

Unix script to monitor the alert log for errors using x$dbgalertext

A simple script to monitor the alert log for errors via x$dbgalertext rather than the text error log. This script assumes a four node RAC. The script runs on each of the four nodes via CRON. The instance name is passed in as a parameter.

Call with
Check_alert_log.ksh instance_name1/2/3/4

The script will mail out the last 24 hours of the alert log at the 15:00 hour. All other executions will only look back 90 minutes and mail only if an error is found.

# Name       : Monitor_alert_log.ksh
# Purpose    : check the alert log
export PATH=$PATH:Oracle_Home/bin
export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle/product
export ORACLE_HOME=Oracle_Home

function run_sql
	echo "Entering function run_sql `date`"	
	sqlplus -s / as sysdba << EOF > $ReportFile
	  set pagesize 100
	  set linesize 200
	  set tab off
	  set wrap off
        col mt              for a16 head 'Time (MT)'
        col gmt             for a16 head 'Time (GMT)'
        col problem_key     for a10 head 'Error'
        col message_text    for a40 head 'Message Text' wrap
		select        TO_CHAR(new_time(originating_timestamp,'GMT','MDT'), 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI') as MT
		             ,TO_CHAR(originating_timestamp,'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI') as GMT
		from          x\$dbgalertext a
		where         originating_timestamp > sysdate - interval '$look_back' minute
		  and         MESSAGE_TEXT LIKE '%ORA-%'
		order by      originating_timestamp desc

	echo "Exiting  function run_sql `date`"		

function decide_to_email
	egrep -i "no rows selected" $ReportFile > /dev/null
	if  [ $? -eq 0 ]
	    if  [ $mandatory_mail == "Y" ]
	        echo 'Mailing out report based on time'
	    	mail -s "Alert Log monitoring $ORACLE_SID" "Email_id" < $ReportFile
	        echo 'Mailing out report based on errors found'
	   		mail -s "Alert Log monitoring $ORACLE_SID" "Email_id" < $ReportFile

## start of script
export ORACLE_SID=$sid_parm
case $ORACLE_SID in
		export ReportFile=/opt/oracle/product/diag/rdbms/database_name/instance_name1/
		export ReportFile=/opt/oracle/product/diag/rdbms/database_name/instance_name2/
		export ReportFile=/opt/oracle/product/diag/rdbms/database_name/instance_name3/
		export ReportFile=/opt/oracle/product/diag/rdbms/database_name/instance_name4/

echo 'Oracle base is : ' $ORACLE_BASE
echo 'Oracle home is : ' $ORACLE_HOME
echo 'Oracle SID is  : ' $ORACLE_SID
echo 'Path is        : ' $PATH
echo 'Report file is : ' $ReportFile

## If the hour is "15" then look back 24 hours and mail out unconditionally 
TimeOfDay=`date +"%H"` if  [ $TimeOfDay == 15 ] 
echo 'Mandatory mail is set to   : ' $mandatory_mail
echo 'Look back period is set to : ' $look_back

## Call routine to run SQLs
echo 'Script started at ' `date`

## Decide if an email is required or not # decide_to_email

## End of script
echo 'Script ended   at ' `date`

Processing a text file with spaces in the data and a file separator

I needed to code a script that would read through a text file and process some data. The format of the file was as follows:

Item Id|Item Name

The code was:

for parm_line in `cat dean_test.txt`
    export item_id=$(echo $parm_line | cut -f1 -d\|)
    export item_name=$(echo $parm_line | cut -f2 -d\|)
    if  [ $item_id != "Item Id" ]; then
        echo $parm_line

My expectation was that it would skip the header line and process the three data lines. The output looked like:


This was being caused by the fact that the header row had spaces in the names of the fields. I had to change the code as follows and add the IFS:

for parm_line in `cat dean_test.txt`
    export item_id=$(echo $parm_line | cut -f1 -d\|)
    export item_name=$(echo $parm_line | cut -f2 -d\|)
    if  [ $item_id != "Item Id" ]; then
        echo $parm_line

This change fixed the issues and I got the correct output:


The short snippet of code was part of a much larger script. I could not use a WHILE loop as I was going to be issuing ssh commands.

“No space left on device” despite being less than 100% used

We were encountering issues writing to a mount point on a server:

[test-server] ls > dean
-bash: dean: No space left on device

The file system was 18% free:

[test-server] df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/file-system           99G   77G   18G  82% /mount-point

The issue was caused by the inodes being used up:

[test-server] df -i /mount-point
Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
/file-system         6553600 6553600     0  100% /mount-point

Working on the assumption that the largest directory would have the largest number of files

du -h /mount=point | grep '[0-9]G' | sort -nr -k1

I identified the mount point and cleaned up the files.

One way to identify who modified a file

I was attempting to identify who had modified one of my script files. I used the stat command to identify when the modifications occurred:

[prodsrvr-PRODDB01] stat check_status.ksh
  File: `check_status.ksh'
  Size: 1117            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 17c0fc01h/398523393d    Inode: 473         Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (24718/  oracle)   Gid: (24718/     dba)
Access: 2017-01-11 19:03:35.972217538 -0500
Modify: 2016-12-19 15:10:07.556675538 -0500
Change: 2016-12-19 15:10:07.000000000 -0500

The above indicates that the modification occurred on December 12, 2016 at 15:10.

I then issued the last command and grepped for Dec to see who was logged on at that date/time:

[prodsrvr-PRODDB01] last | grep -i Dec
user01   pts/1    Tue Dec 20 19:18 - 19:33  (00:15)    
user02   pts/0      Tue Dec 20 19:10 - 22:22 (1+03:11)   
user03   pts/0      Mon Dec 19 15:06 - 21:41  (06:34)    
user05   pts/0     Mon Dec 19 11:54 - 13:20  (01:26)    

This indicates a very strong possibility that user03 performed the modification. While not 100% accurate it is a reasonable way to narrow the list of users who may have made the modification.

mpstat command – activities for each available processor

The mpstat command display activities for each available processor, processor 0 being the first one. Global average activities among all processors are also reported. It also shows the linux version.

[prodserver] mpstat -P ALL
Linux 2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64 (prodsrvr)     11/22/2016      _x86_64_        (24 CPU)

01:43:12 PM  CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest   %idle
01:43:12 PM  all   10.29    0.05    1.68    5.06    0.00    0.09    0.00    0.00   82.83
01:43:12 PM    0   14.39    0.22    3.17   24.52    0.00    0.40    0.00    0.00   57.30
01:43:12 PM    1   13.98    0.20    3.42   24.63    0.00    0.56    0.00    0.00   57.22
01:43:12 PM    2   12.93    0.07    2.64   25.44    0.00    0.25    0.00    0.00   58.68
01:43:12 PM    3   12.78    0.07    2.10    2.03    0.00    0.04    0.00    0.00   82.98
01:43:12 PM    4   13.17    0.04    1.70    1.93    0.00    0.06    0.00    0.00   83.11
01:43:12 PM    5   12.06    0.03    1.61    0.91    0.00    0.03    0.00    0.00   85.37
01:43:12 PM    6    8.90    0.02    1.43    2.79    0.00    0.12    0.00    0.00   86.73
01:43:12 PM    7    9.85    0.03    1.83   24.87    0.00    0.19    0.00    0.00   63.24