ORA-31604: invalid transform NAME parameter “MODIFY” for object type PROCACT_INSTANCE in function ADD_TRANSFORM

While performing an import data pump operation into an Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production we encountered the below error:

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Master table "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_15" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_15":  "/******** AS SYSDBA" directory=exp_dir dumpfile=resolvecode.dmp remap_table=myuser.accounting_codes:accounting_codes_prod 
ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.LOAD_MD_TRANSFORMS [] 
ORA-31604: invalid transform NAME parameter "MODIFY" for object type PROCACT_INSTANCE in function ADD_TRANSFORM
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 86
ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 9710

This issue is documented on Oracle support at

Impdp Fails With ORA-39126 ORA-31604 Iinvalid Transform NAME Parameter "MODIFY" For Object Type PROCACT_INSTANCE in function ADD_TRANSFORM (Doc ID 1596495.1)

The solution is to change the import data pump command from:

impdp \'/ as sysdba \' dumpfile=resolvecode.dmp directory=exp_dir remap_table=myuser.accounting_codes:accounting_codes_prod 


impdp \'/ as sysdba \' dumpfile=resolvecode.dmp directory=exp_dir remap_table=myuser.accounting_codes:accounting_codes_prod exclude=PROCACT_INSTANCE

The use of the exclude=PROCACT_SYSTEM will exclude the resource manager objects such as resource plans and groups.

There is also a patch available, but the addition of exclude=PROCACT_INSTANCE solved my issue faster than patching.

CRS-6706: Oracle Clusterware Release patch level (‘xxxxxxxx’) does not match Software patch level (‘xxxxxxxxx’). Oracle Clusterware cannot be started

After applying the October 2020 patch to a 12c GI, we were attempting to bring up CRS and got the below error message:

CRS-6706: Oracle Clusterware Release patch level (‘xxxxxxxx’) does not match Software patch level (‘xxxxxxxxx’). Oracle Clusterware cannot be started

This is described in Oracle support document 1639285.1

We stopped CRS on all nodes and performed the below on the RAC node that reported the error:

Sudo to root and navigate to the grid home/install directory and run

./rootcrs.pl –unlock

The output will look like:

Using configuration parameter file: ./crsconfig_params
2021/01/15 00:52:44 CLSRSC-4012: Shutting down Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2021/01/15 00:52:55 CLSRSC-4013: Successfully shut down Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2021/01/15 00:52:56 CLSRSC-347: Successfully unlock /grid_home/

After the above, run the patch command:

./rootcrs.pl –patch

The output will look like:

Using configuration parameter file: ./crsconfig_params
2021/01/15 00:53:12 CLSRSC-4015: Performing install or upgrade action for Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2021/01/15 00:53:12 CLSRSC-4005: Failed to patch Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector. Grid Infrastructure operations will continue.
2021/01/15 00:53:24 CLSRSC-329: Replacing Clusterware entries in file 'oracle-ohasd.conf'
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'pdcc04-d03'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'pdcc04-d03'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'pdcc04-d03' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'pdcc04-d03' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.

After this, we were able to start CRS on all nodes of the RAC.

AUTH_COMPATIBILITY value of null causing UNLOAD utility jobs to fail

This week we went to a new fix level that activated the AUTH_COMPATIBILITY in macro DSN6SPRM. The documentation states:

The AUTH_COMPATIBILITY parameter specifies whether current-release of previous-release authorization rules are used for specific Db2 operations.
Null (blank)
Indicates that AUTH_COMPATIBILITY has no effect and that there is no authorization check override.
When this value is specified, the UNLOAD utility checks if the user has the SELECT or UNLOAD privilege on the target table. If this value is not specified, the UNLOAD utility checks if the user has the UNLOAD privilege on the target table.

In our case, the zparm was set to null, however, our unload (utility not DSNTIAUL) jobs began to fail. The auth ids executing the unload utilities had SELECT access but not UNLOAD access. The above documentation indicated that the null value should have allowed the jobs to run but we saw failures.

Since this is a dynamic change, we switched from null to SELECT_FOR_UNLOAD and the previous functionality was restored.

Export datapump encounters error ORA-39126 and ORA-01690

We ran across the following error while running a metadata-only export data pump on an database:

ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.FETCH_XML_OBJECTS [PROCA
ORA-01690: sort area size too small
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95
ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 9715
----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
object line object
handle number name
0x11d4c2bf0 21979 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
0x11d4c2bf0 9742 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
0x11d4c2bf0 11838 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
0x11d4c2bf0 2808 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
0x11d4c2bf0 10422 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
0x11d4c2bf0 1824 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
0x11df95480 2 anonymous block
Job "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_FULL_21" stopped due to fatal error at Wed Dec 23 18:13:11
2020 elapsed 0 00:05:34

According the Oracle Support Doc ID 1358890.1, this is a known bug that occurs after applying patch set There are some solutions in Doc ID 1358890.1 including upgrading to 12.1, applying patch set or an interim patch set. Another solution is to

update sys.metaview$ set properties = properties + 1024 where viewname = 'KU$_PROCACT_SYS_VIEW';

We tried the update option, including increasing the size up to 4096. However, this did not resolve the error. After some trial and error, we were able to complete the export with the below command:

expdp \'/ as sysdba \' directory=exp_dir dumpfile=rpt.dmp exclude=statistics exclude=schema:\"IN \(\'SYSMAN\',\'SYSTEM\',\'VRRPT1NE\',\'SYS\'\)\" full=y content=metadata_only

Changes to SYS user’s password not reflected in column PTIME of SYS.USER$ table

Today I noticed that the changes to the SYS user’s password were not being reflected in the ptime column of SYS.USER$. While this may be trivial, this column can be used to identify passwords that have not been changed recently. This issue is documented by Oracle in “After Changing SYS Password, DBA_USERS.EXPIRY_DATE Not Updated For SYS User (Doc ID 2518310.1)” and Bug 28538439. In summary, after applying the July 2020 patch, you need to apply Patch 28538439 and perform the below steps:

This was performed on a RAC database running Release

After changing the SYS user’s password, the SYS.USER$ table displayed the below information:

set line 300
col name format a15
SELECT    name, ctime, ptime
FROM      sys.user$
where     name like 'SYS%'
order by  name
NAME            CTIME     PTIME
--------------- --------- ---------
SYS             07-AUG-18 10-JUN-19 <-- Incorrect date

Check to see if patch 28538439 has been applied:

opatch lsinv -all | grep 28538439
     21117072, 22611167, 23182225, 25139545, 
     26196152, 27487279, 28538439 <-- Patch has been applied

The solution is to set the below parameter to “TRUE”:

show parameter _enable_ptime_update_for_sys;
No output is displayed, indicating that the 
parameter has not been set

Note that this parameter cannot be set by an ALTER SYSTEM command. It has to be present in the spfile at startup.

Create a temporary pfile from the spfile:

create pfile='/tmp/PRD1_pfile.txt' from spfile='+ORA_DATA_1/PRD1/PARAMETERFILE/spfile';

Edit the temporary pfile and add in the parameter:

vi /tmp/PRD1_pfile.txt
add the below line
*._enable_ptime_update_for_sys = TRUE

Stop the database and check the status:

srvctl stop database -d PRD1 -o immediate
srvctl status database -d PRD1

Start up one node of the RAC in nomount to recreate the spfile from the pfile:

sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount pfile='/tmp/PRD1_pfile.txt';
create spfile='+ORA_DATA_1/PRD1/PARAMETERFILE/spfile' from pfile='/tmp/PRD1_pfile.txt';
shutdown immediate;

Start up the RAC (all nodes) and check the status:

srvctl start database -d PRD1
srvctl status database -d PRD1

Check that the parameter to resolve Bug 28538439 has been set:

show parameter _enable_ptime_update_for_sys;
Output will be:
NAME                         TYPE    VALUE
---------------------------- ------- -----
_enable_ptime_update_for_sys boolean TRUE

This is not retroactive to the previous change to the SYS user’s password. The next time the SYS user’s password is changed, it will be reflected in the SYS.USER$ table:

set line 300
col name format a15
SELECT    name, ctime, ptime
FROM      sys.user$
where     name like 'SYS%'
order by  name
NAME            CTIME     PTIME
--------------- --------- ---------
SYS             07-AUG-18 03-DEC-20 <-- Correct date

Oracle GoldenGate – Conditional replication based on the value of a column

A colleague had a requirement to replicate rows from a table only when a column was updated to a specific value and came up with this solution. The table in question was a configuration table which contained parameters and values that was loaded in advance of code deployment. After the code was deployed, the parameter was activated by updating the column REPLICATE_FLAG to a value of “y”.

On the source side, the table is defined in the .prm file as follows:


This causes GoldenGate to replicate only after the row is updated to a “y”. On the target side, the row can either exist in which case GoldenGate performs an update or the row does not exist and GoldenGate performs an insert. In order to handle both conditions, the *.prm file has the parameter insertmissingupdates.


Since you do not want this parameter (i.e. missing updates converted to inserts behavior) to be applied to other tables being replicated, you can either turn it off with the noinsertupdates or put the table that needs the special handling at the end.

This was tested on Oracle GoldenGate Version and Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production

Left aligning DSNTEP2 (aka batch SPUFI) output

A short blog about a trivial but annoying item. By default, the DSNTEP2 (aka batch SPUFI) output is center aligned. As I prefer the output to be left aligned for readability and parsing of output, I code the JCL as described below.

By default, the below code will center align the output:

//SYSTSIN   DD *                                         
 DSN SYSTEM(PRN3)                                        
//SYSIN    DD  *                                         
  SELECT    COUNT(*)                                     
  FROM      Q.OBJECT_DATA                                

And the output looks like:
(Actual display is further to the right.I moved it to the left for readability.)

PAGE    1                                                                     
***INPUT STATEMENT:                                                           
   SELECT    COUNT(*)                                                         
   FROM      Q.OBJECT_DATA                                                    
                                                 |                | 
                                               1_|           4042 | 
SUCCESSFUL RETRIEVAL OF          1 ROW(S)                                     

To left align, code as:

Default (i.e. center) alignment:
//SYSTSIN   DD *                                         
 DSN SYSTEM(PRN3)                                        
//SYSIN    DD  *                                         
  SELECT    COUNT(*)                                     
  FROM      Q.OBJECT_DATA                                

And the output looks like:

PAGE    1                                
***INPUT STATEMENT:                      
   SELECT    COUNT(*)                    
   FROM      Q.OBJECT_DATA               
       |                |                
     1_|           4042 |                

REORG and contention – Forcibly terminating threads?

One of the challenges in performing online REORGs (i.e. SHRLEVEL CHANGE) is successfully completing the switch phase of the process. This problem seems to compound in direct relation to the number of distributed threads that connect to the database objects. I often see a pattern wherein a distributed thread acquires a lock or claim on an object and then does not perform a commit to release the lock or claim. This results in the REORG failing with a page out to the DBA.

I initially coded the REROG jobs with

REORG TABLESPACE   LIST CLUSTTS                            
      LOG           NO                        
      ROWFORMAT BRF                           
      COPYDDN      (LPCOPY)                   
      RECOVERYDDN  (RBCOPY)                   
      SHRLEVEL      CHANGE                    
      DEADLINE      NONE                      
      MAXRO         60                        
      DRAIN         WRITERS   <---
      LONGLOG       CONTINUE                  
      DELAY         0                         
      TIMEOUT       TERM                      
      FASTSWITCH    YES                       
      UNLOAD        CONTINUE                  
      STATISTICS    TABLE INDEX ALL           
      UPDATE ALL                

Assuming that this would be the least invasive approach. This was based on the below information from the Utility Guide:

Specifies that Db2 drains only the writers during the 
log phase after the MAXRO threshold is reached and 
then issues DRAIN ALL on entering the switch phase.

I changed the options to include DRAIN ALL FORCE ALL:

REORG TABLESPACE   LIST CLUSTTS                            
      LOG           NO                        
      ROWFORMAT BRF                           
      COPYDDN      (LPCOPY)                   
      RECOVERYDDN  (RBCOPY)                   
      SHRLEVEL      CHANGE                    
      DEADLINE      NONE                      
      MAXRO         60 
      DRAIN         ALL    <---                   
      FORCE         ALL    <---           
      LONGLOG       CONTINUE                  
      DELAY         0                         
      TIMEOUT       TERM                      
      FASTSWITCH    YES                       
      UNLOAD        CONTINUE                  
      STATISTICS    TABLE INDEX ALL           
      UPDATE ALL                

The results were as follow:

If the DDF thread had only performed a select without a commit, it was cancelled with the below message in the DB2 master address space:

DSNL027I  -PR01 SERVER DISTRIBUTED AGENT WITH  828                   
           RECEIVED ABEND=04E                                        
           FOR REASON=00E50013

If the DDF thread had performed an update without a commit, it was not cancelled. Instead, the REORG fails with the below message in the job output:


I would have preferred that the DRAIN ALL FORCE ALL options would have cancelled the thread in both cases.

STROBing a transaction

In the last few weeks, we have been challenged with a system that was supposed to process orders was not processing them in a timely fashion. TMON indicated that the process was sitting in an IC wait suggesting that the delay was intentional. However, the concern was that the process was waiting on some unknown resource such as the database. The process consisted of a CICS transaction that called a number of COBOL programs and accessed an ADABAS database.

In an attempt to identify the actual line of code that was causing the delay, we turned on STROBE. Since this is a CICS transaction, you have to run an “ADD ACTIVE” measurement as the CICS region is an executing job. Set the job name to the CICS region, the session duration to 10 minutes, and the target sample size to 20,000 (Change these numbers as required for your context). In addition, select the “Data Collectors” option with a “Y”. On the Data Collectors panel, select the CICS+ option with a “Y”.

On the CICS Data Collector Options, select “Collect Region Data” with a “Y” and provide the name of the transaction in the “Detail by Transaction” section of the panel.

At this point in time, the measurement should be active. Monitor the measurement of completion and then generate a profile in the foreground. You can do this in batch but it is a relatively trivial operation so it can be performed quickly in the foreground.

After the profile is generated, the transaction summary (#TUS) report indicated that 599 seconds of the measurement were attributable to one transaction. Further, all of this time was attribute to a single program. STROBE was able to provide us with the actual CICS command “EXEC CICS DELAY” and the offset of the compile a listing. We were able to take this offset error look into the compile listing and identify that the line of command that was generating the delay was an

     DELAY FOR SECONDS (number_of_seconds>

This proved that the delay in the process was intentional and not the result of a database or other resource contention.

Pro*C – PCC-F-02104, Unable to connect to Oracle

If you are attempting to compile Pro*C code and get the error “PCC-F-02104, Unable to connect to Oracle”, perform the following steps:

Instead of connecting to the Oracle database as

sqlplus userid/password@somelistener.domain.com:1521/MYPRODDB

and then attempting to compile, edit your tnsnames.ora to add the below entry (change appropriately to reflect your database SID or service, listener, port etc.)

      (SID = MYPRODDB)

Export this entry as follows


And now connect as

sqlplus userid/password

i.e. without specifying the usual connect string.

In case you are wondering about the name “TWO_TASK”, Tom Kyte explains it best:
“because in days gone by – the 1980’s – two tasks (having two tasks working together) just made ‘sense’”.